GHDX2-ADA DICOM Storage and Archive Appliance Admin Guide
To create a duplicate copy of the
media in shelf 1 of the source
(jbsd) to the media in the ada
drive, select the Copy radio
button. Highlight shelf 1 in the
Source Media window and select
the ada drive in the Destination
Media window and select the Copy
Once the Copy button is selected
the confirmation window will open
reporting the copy disk
Select the Proceed button to
continue the Copy Media
When Copy Media procedure is
complete the media in the ada
drive is displayed in the Source
Media for the ada drive and is
reported with Seq equal to 0.1.
This means that this media is the
first copy of a source media with
sequence 0 in shelf 1 of jbsd.
The media in shelf 1 of jbsd has
been copied to the ada drive.
Online Media displays an identical
Set Identifier number for both
media but a different Seq number,
the duplicate media has been
incremented by 1.
The media in the ada drive
displays <no set name> instead
of the set name pacs_nearline.
Although this media has an
identical Set Identifier, it is not
considered part of the Integral
Volume set pacs_nearline because
the original media is still present
in the Integral Volume set.