GHDX2-ADA DICOM Storage and Archive Appliance Admin Guide
Appendix B: Recovery from a Single Hard Drive Failure
Failure Discovery
A RAID-1 failure (failure of one physical disk) shall be discovered by the GalaxyDICOM
software. It will be indicated in the Web Interface menu as a yellow warning triangle, where
it can be seen no matter what page is being viewed. The physical location of the failed disk
shall be indicated on the RAID Monitoring page.
In the event of a failure the DICOM Appliance will email the Administrator. The
Administrator should contact their hardware support organization to make the needed repair.
This procedure is designed to be used by the Hardware Support personnel.
In the event of a hard drive failure follow the procedures below.
Recovery Procedure
A hard drive failure is indicated by the light on a hard drive changing colors from green to
yellow or red. There is also a Yellow warning sign posted in the GUI menu which will
allow a user to be aware of the failure. If only one drive fails the Appliance will continue to
work, however, performance may be impacted.
To get a detailed view of
the current RAID status
select RAID from the
Monitoring section.
In the example the hard
drive was removed
manually to cause a failure.
The Monitoring and RAID
menu items now show a
YELLOW warning triangle
to alert the user that there
is a failure.
Selecting the RAID page
displays that the RAID
Units are now in a
Degraded Mode and the
Rebuild button is
Highlighted (if the drive
had failed the light would
be red).
Moving the mouse over the
failed drive displays that
the drive in Slot 1 is
unconfigured and NOT