About Parts and Parameters
Parameters for All Parts
Master Level:
Master Level
Master Pan:
Master Pan
M.Key Shift:
Master Key Shift
Master Tune
Device ID:
Device ID Number
What Each Parameter Does
The settings for the following parameters made here apply to all Parts.
Master Level
Adjusts the volume of all Parts. Raising the value will increase the volume.
The basic volume of the entire SC-8850 is adjusted by the [VOLUME] knob. If the
[VOLUME] knob is at minimum position, there will be no sound even if this LEVEL
setting is raised.
Master Pan
Master Pan sets the stereo position of the sound for all Parts. (If you are listening to
the SC-8850 in mono, pan settings will have no effect.) As the L-value increases the
sound will be placed further left, and as the R-value increases the sound will be
placed further right. To place a sound in the center, set the Pan value to 0.
M.Key Shift (Master Key Shift)
–+24 , 2 octaves
Key Shift adjusts the pitch of the sound in semitone steps. For example, if you were
playing back song data from a sequencing program, you could use the Key Shift pa-
rameter to change the key of the song without changing the settings for the sequenc-
ing program. Or, if you are singing along with sequence data, you can adjust Key
Shift to move the song to the key most comfortable for your voice. As the displayed
value rises (falls) one step, the pitch will rise (fall) one semitone. This means that 12
steps equal one octave. With a setting of 0 the pitch will not be affected.
M.Tune (Master Tune)
When you are playing in an ensemble with other instruments or need to set the SC-
8850 to match the pitch of another instrument, adjust the Master Tune setting in the
range of 415.3–466.2 Hz. The displayed value (e.g., 440.0 Hz) indicates the frequency
of the A4 note’s pitch (note number 69).
Device ID (Device ID Number)
The Device ID number is an identification number used when transmitting and re-
ceiving Exclusive messages. The SC-8850 receives Exclusive messages only if its own
device ID number matches the device ID number of the message. This means that if
you wish to transmit Exclusive messages between devices, you must make sure that
their device ID numbers match.
The device ID number is a number from 1-32. At the factory settings, the number is
For some Instruments, a bit
of sound may be heard
from the opposite speaker
even if pan has been set
fully left or right.
Even if you adjust Key Shift
for all Parts, the pitch of the
Drum Part will not be
To adjust the pitch of a
single Part, use Key Shift.
If you wish to playback
Roland SMF music files, be
sure that the device ID
number is set to 17. If it is
not, playback will not be
It is not possible to specify
the device ID number
separately for individual