Using Insertion Effects
24: 4 Tap Delay (Quadruple Tap Delay)
[01H, 53H]
The Quadruple Tap Delay has four delays.
Dly Tm 1 (Delay Time 1) 200–990ms/1sec [1 (40 03 03)]
Adjusts the time delay from the direct sound until when the
Delay 1 sound is heard.
Dly Tm 2 (Delay Time 2) 200–990ms/1sec [2 (40 03 04)]
Adjusts the time delay from the direct sound until when the
Delay 2 sound is heard.
Dly Tm 3 (Delay Time 3) 200–990ms/1sec [3 (40 03 05)]
Adjusts the time delay from the direct sound until when the
Delay 3 sound is heard.
Dly Tm 4 (Delay Time 4) 200–990ms/1sec [4 (40 03 06)]
Adjusts the time delay from the direct sound until when the
Delay 4 sound is heard.
Dly Lev 1 (Delay Level 1)
0–127 [5 (40 03 07)]
Adjusts the volume of the Delay 1 sound.
Dly Lev 2 (Delay Level 2)
0–127 [6 (40 03 08)]
Adjusts the volume of the Delay 2 sound.
Dly Lev 3 (Delay Level 3)
0–127 [7 (40 03 09)]
Adjusts the volume of the Delay 3 sound.
Dly Lev 4 (Delay Level 4)
0–127 [8 (40 03 0A)]
Adjusts the volume of the Delay 4 sound.
+Feedback (Feedback Level)
-98%–+98% [9 (40 03 0B)]
Adjusts the proportion (%) of the Delay 1 sound that is fed
back into the effect. Negative (-) settings will invert the
HF Damp
315–8k/Bypass [10 (40 03 0C)]
This adjusts the frequency at which the high range is cut
when the Delay 1 sound is returned to the input. If you do
not wish to cut the high range, set this to Bypass.
#Balance (Effect Balance)
D>0E–D0<E [16 (40 03 12)]
Adjusts the volume balance between the direct and the
processed sound.
“D” or “E” on the display respectively means D (direct
sound) or E (effect sound) values of 100.
Low Gain
-12–+12 [17 (40 03 13)]
Adjusts the gain of the low frequency range.
Hi Gain (High Gain)
-12–+12 [18 (40 03 14)]
Adjusts the gain of the high frequency range.
Level (Output Level)
0–127 [20 (40 03 16)]
Adjusts the output level.
25: Tm Ctrl Delay (Time Control Delay)
[01H, 54H]
This effect allows you to use a specified controller (the
controller selected in EFX C.Src (p.130)) to control the delay
time and pitch in real time. Lengthening the delay time will
lower the pitch, and shortening it will raise the pitch.
+Dly Time (Delay Time)
200–990ms/1sec [1 (40 03 03)]
Adjusts the time delay from the direct sound until when
each delay sound is heard.
Accel (Acceleration)
0–15 [2 (40 03 04)]
This parameter adjusts the speed over which the Delay
Time will change from the current setting to a newly
specified setting. The rate of change for the Delay Time
directly affects the rate of pitch change.
#Feedback (Feedback Level)
-98%–+98% [3 (40 03 05)]
Adjusts the proportion (%) of the processed sound that is
fed back into the effect. Negative (-) settings will invert the
HF Damp
315–8k/Bypass [4 (40 03 06)]
Adjusts the frequency above which sound fed back to the
effect will be cut. If you do not wish to cut the high
frequencies of the feedback, set this parameter to Bypass.
EFX Pan (Effect Output Pan)
L63–0–R63 [5 (40 03 07)]
Adjusts the stereo location of the processed sound. L63 is
far left, 0 is center, and R63 is far right.
Balance (Effect Balance)
D>0E–D0<E [16 (40 03 12)]
Adjusts the volume balance between the direct and the
processed sound.
“D” or “E” on the display respectively means D (direct
sound) or E (effect sound) values of 100.
Low Gain
-12–+12 [17 (40 03 13)]
Adjusts the gain of the low frequency range.
Hi Gain (High Gain)
-12–+12 [18 (40 03 14)]
Adjusts the gain of the high frequency range.
Level (Output Level)
0–127 [20 (40 03 16)]
Adjusts the output level.
Delay 4
Delay 3
Delay 2
Delay 1