Operating the Instrument
Getting Started 1177.5756.02 ─ 13
3. If the parameter does not require a unit, confirm the entered value by pressing
the [ENTER] key or any of the unit keys.
The editing line is highlighted to confirm the entry.
Entering Alphanumeric Parameters
If a field requires alphanumeric input, you can use the on-screen keyboard to
enter numbers and (special) characters (see
Chapter 6.2.4, "On-screen Key-
Alternatively, you can use the keypad. Every alphanumeric key represents sev-
eral characters and one number. The decimal point key (.) represents special
characters, and the sign key (-) toggles between capital and small letters. For the
assignment, refer to
You can change the default behavior of the keypad for text input. This is
useful if you frequently enter numeric values in text fields, for example to
define file names consisting of numbers.
For details, see "System Configuration Setttings" in the R&S
FSWP base
unit user manual.
To enter numbers and (special) characters via the keypad
1. Press the key once to enter the first possible value.
2. All characters available via this key are displayed.
3. To choose another value provided by this key, press the key again, until your
desired value is displayed.
4. With every key stroke, the next possible value of this key is displayed. If all
possible values have been displayed, the series starts with the first value
again. For information on the series, refer to
5. To change from capital to small letters and vice versa, press the sign key (-).
6. When you have chosen the desired value, wait for 2 seconds (to use the
same key again), or start the next entry by pressing another key.
To enter a blank
► Press the "Space" bar, or press the "0" key and wait 2 seconds.
Entering Data