Trying Out the Instrument
Getting Started 1177.5756.02 ─ 13
Trace Smoothing
How to smooth the trace by averaging the measurement data
When you average the trace, the application measures the data several times
and builds an average over all measurements when it is done. Averaging mea-
surement data yields a smoother trace.
Trace averaging is applied to all traces.
1. Enter the "Overview" dialog box, and from there, enter the "Noise Config" dia-
log box.
2. Define the number of measurements to be performed in the "Sweep / Average
Count" input field, for example "10".
3. Start the measurement.
● In case of a single measurement, the application performs x measure-
ments over the frequency range you have defined. An average count of
"10", for example, would result in 10 measurements.
● In case of continuous measurements, the application performs a moving
average over the average count.
How to smooth the trace by adjusting the number of XCORR operations
When you apply cross-correlation operations, the application is able to determine
the phase noise characteristics at a certain frequency offset more precisely.
You can improve cross-correlation performance with the corresponding hardware
The number of cross-correlation operations applied in each half decade depends
on a cross-correlation factor that you can define arbitrarily.
Cross-correlation operations are applied to all traces.
1. Enter the "Overview" dialog box, and from there, enter the "Noise Config" dia-
log box.
2. Define the cross-correlation factor as required in the "XCORR Factor" input
Result Evaluation