Configuring the I/O
PowerFlex® 755 Drive Embedded EtherNet/IP Adapter User Manual
Publication 750COM-UM001A-EN-P
4. In the MSG instruction (
), double-click on Setup Screen
to launch the message configuration screen (
Figure 4.27 PLC-5 Ladder Logic for the Control Timeout
5. Configure the General tab by entering or verifying the information
shown in the screen.
Figure 4.28 PLC-5 Message Configuration Screens for the Control Timeout
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
General Tab Box
This PLC-5
Communication Command
PLC-5 Typed Write. The controller type and command type for the controller to write the control
timeout value to the drive.
Data Table Address
N20:0. An unused controller data table address containing the control timeout value to be written.
Size in Elements
1. Number of elements (words) to be transferred. Each element size is a 16-bit integer.
Port Number
2. Controller port to which the EtherNet/IP network is connected.
Target Device (data for adapter/drive)
Data Table Address
N42:3. Specific starting address of the destination file in the drive.
Yes. Enables communication to allow Ethernet messaging to be routed to the adapter/drive.
When “Yes” is selected, a MultiHop tab appears on the message configuration screen.
MultiHop Tab Box
To Address The IP address of the adapter connected to the drive.