Using Explicit Messaging
PowerFlex® 755 Drive Embedded EtherNet/IP Adapter User Manual
Publication 750COM-UM001A-EN-P
Three COP (Copy) instructions are required to convert the 16-bit integer
data table addresses N40:0 (Least Significant Word) and N40:1 (Most
Significant Word) to a 32-bit REAL (floating point) data table address
F102:0 for correct presentation. The first two COP instructions swap
the LSW and MSW, and the third COP instruction correctly presents the
32-bit REAL (floating point) value.
SLC 500 – Formatting a Message to Read Single Parameter
Figure 6.22 Generic Get Attribute Single Message Configuration Screens
The following table identifies the data that is required in each box to
format a single read message.
General Tab
Example Value
Size in Words
Data Table Address
Generic Get Attribute Single
93 (Hex.)
7 (Dec.)
9 (Dec.)
Number of words to be transferred. Each word size is a 16-bit integer.
An unused controller data table address containing the message
instruction. This address is the starting word of the response file.
Code for the requested service.
Class ID for the DPI Parameter Object.
Instance number is the same as the parameter number.
Attribute number for the Parameter Value attribute.
MultiHop Tab
Example Value
To Address
IP address of the adapter connected to the drive.
The default setting for Service is “Custom,” enabling entry of a Service Code not available from the Service pull-down menu. When
selecting a Service other than “Custom” from the pull-down menu, an appropriate Hex. value is automatically assigned to the Service Code
box which grays out (unavailable).
In this example, Output Current is a 32-bit REAL (floating point) parameter. If the parameter being read is a 16-bit parameter, the Size in
Words would be set to 1.