Configuring the I/O
PowerFlex® 755 Drive Embedded EtherNet/IP Adapter User Manual
Publication 750COM-UM001A-EN-P
parameters, add 3 words to the required 3 words for a total of 6
– Output Size: Start with 2 words and add 1 word for each
Datalink used to read data. For example, if 7 Datalinks—[DL To
Net xx] parameters—will be used to read drive or peripheral
parameters, add 7 words to the required 2 words for a total of 9
For the example in this manual, all 16 [DL From Net xx] and all 16
[DL To Net xx] are used, resulting in an Input Size of “19” and an
Output Size of “18.”
5. After setting the information in the drive’s New Module screen,
click OK. The Module Properties screen appears.
6. Click the Connection tab (
Figure 4.21 Connection Screen
7. In the “Requested Packet Interval (RPI)” box, set the value to 2.0
milliseconds or greater. This value determines the maximum
interval that a controller should use to move data to and from the
adapter. To conserve bandwidth, use higher values for
communicating with low priority devices. For this example, leave
the “Inhibit Module” and Major Fault …” boxes unchecked.
8. Click OK. The new node (“My_PowerFlex_755_Drive” in this
example) now appears under the bridge (“My_EtherNet_IP_Bridge”
in this example) in the I/O Configuration folder. If you double-click
on the Input and Output Controller Tags (
), you will see that module-defined data types and tags have
been automatically created. After you save and download the
configuration, these tags allow you to access the Input and Output
data of the drive via the controller’s ladder logic.