How to measure with cursors
Figure 2-57 displays the CURSOR button on the front-panel for this menu.
Cursor Measurement
Figure 2-57
The cursor measurement has three modes: Manual, Track and Auto Measure.
In this mode, the screen displays two parallel cursors. You can move
the cursors to make custom voltage or time measurements on the signal. The
values are displayed on the boxes below the menu. Before using cursors, you
should make sure that you have set the Signal Source as the channel for
In this mode, the screen displays two cross cursors. The cross cursor
sets the position on the waveform automatically. You could adjust cursor’s
horizontal position on the waveform by turning the horizontal POSITION knob in
conjunction with the cursor. The oscilloscope displays the values of the
coordinates on the boxes below the menu.
Auto Measure:
This mode will take effect with Automatic Measurements.
The instruments will display cursors while measuring parameters automatically.
These cursors demonstrate the physical meanings of these measurements.
: The Auto Measure mode for Cursor measuring will take no effect without
automatic measurements.
Copyright 2004 Rigol Electronic
User Manual for DS5000 Series