environments wit h an enhanced pres enc e of high frequencies .
the partial insul ation of the pipes and non-level inst allations as
either c an c aus e dripping.
ascending trac ts, away from t he unit, in the condensate drain
pipe. Thes e can onl y be present near by the unit with a maxi mum level
difference of 200 mm wit h respect to t he upper bas e.
MAX. 200 mm
Do not
crush the connec tion pipes and the condens ate drain pipe.
horizontal tracts and bends of the condens ate drain pipe; t his
must have a mi nimum sl ope of 2%.
loos e elec trical connec tions .
Install ation must onl y b e carri ed out b y skil led
technici ans, qu alified to work on air conditioning
and refriger ation system s. In correct installation
could cau se the unit to malfunction, with a
consequent det erioration in performan ce.
The unit must be in stall ed according to nation al or
local regulation s appli cabl e at the time of
install ation. Al ways u se the per sonal protective
Check that the voltage and the frequ ency of the
electric system cor respond to those requir ed and
that the availabl e po wer inst alled is sufficient for
other household appl iances that are connected on
the sam e electri c l ines to function. Make sur e that
the electrical suppl y syst em compl ies with current
National safet y r egulations. Make sur e that an
efficient earth line is avail able.
The condensate dr ain pipe of the inner unit mu st be
extended with a PVC pipe of an intern al Ø 16 mm
(not supplied), long enough for the installation in
question and therm all y insul ated.
The unit is not designed to be instal led in rooms
used for laundr y purposes (IEC EN 60335-2-40).
Follow the indications b elo w for the in stall ation procedur e:
Install t he unit in a possibl y central position of the room. The air flow
direction c an be adjust ed by manuall y moving t he vents acc ording to
the func tioni ng mode (c ooling or heating). This optimis es the air
distribution in the room.
When f uncti oning in c ooling mode, the optimal position (2) of the vents
is that which blows t he air towards the ceiling by Coanda ef fect . In
heating mode, t he vents (1) direct the air t owards t he floor t o prevent
stratification of hot air in the upper part of the room
Heating: vents i n position to blow t he air.
Cooling: vents in position t o blow the air.
For quick and eas y inst allation and maintenance, the pr e-select ed
position must allow the c eiling panels t o be removed and in t he case of
mas onr y ceilings, t he unit c an be acc essed.
In t he c ase of plast erboard ceilings, t he unit housing di mensions must
not exceed 660x660 mm (models 26- 41-51) and 900x900 mm ( models
61-86- 111). In r ooms with high humi dit y, ins ulat e the f astening brac kets
with s uitable s elf-adhesi ve isolati ng parts.