Orient the Interface Block with the
(as shown in figure C) toward the
and the round hole toward the rear of machine. Make sure the
in the
blocks face outward. (See counter bore example in Figure D)
oval hole forward
front of
the punch
counter bores
Attach the rear Allen screws first
; use the provided longer screws to attach the block securely
and repeat for the other side of machine.
Mounting the APES System to a punch.
Check your HD-7000 or HD-6500 for front cover warping. Warping must be corrected before
proceeding. See Figures E & F.
If your machine has any warping, open the machine top cover as described earlier Take a pair of
pliers and gently bend down the warped areas back flush to the machine front. Replace the cover
and safety screw.
Figure D
Figure F
Figure E
Figure C