encoder system installation guide and safety manual
Step 3
Re-check the run-out at the two ‘slot’ fiducial points, to ensure the run-out at the two ‘slot’ points
is still better than 10 µm. Adjust if necessary.
Gradually tighten the 4 screws, a quarter-turn at a time, so as to avoid moving the position of
the ring. Finally, insert the remaining M5 screws and torque all the screws to 4 Nm.
Re-check the run-out at the two ‘slot’ fiducial points, then at the two ‘dimple’ fiducial points.
The run-out values at the ‘slot’ fiducial points do not have to match the run-out values at the
‘dimple’ fiducial points. If the ring has moved position outside the 10 µm limit, the screws must
be loosened and the ring adjusted.
Step 5
Adjust ring position until the
DTI (Dial Test Indicator) reading
at these points agrees to 10 µm.
‘Slot’ fiducial
‘Slot’ fiducial
Step 4
Now adjust the ring position until the
DTI (Dial Test Indicator) reading
at these points agrees to 10 µm.
‘Dimple’ fiducial
‘Dimple’ fiducial