Getting Started
User Manual 1179.0116.02 ─ 02
e) Close the SmartGrid mode.
The "IQ Analyzer" channel displays the real and imaginary signal parts in separate
To display the MultiView tab
An overview of all active channels is provided in the "MultiView" tab. This tab is always
displayed and cannot be closed.
► Tap the "MultiView" tab.
Figure 4-13: The "MultiView" tab
Performing Sequential Measurements
Although only one measurement can be performed at any one time, the measurements
configured in the active channels can be performed sequentially, that means: one after
the other, automatically, either once or continuously.
Tap the "Sequencer" icon in the toolbar.
2. Toggle the "Sequencer" softkey in the "Sequencer" menu to "On".
A continuous sequence is started, i.e. each channel measurement is performed
one after the other until the Sequencer is stopped.
Trying Out the Instrument