Common Analysis and Display Functions
User Manual 1179.0116.02 ─ 02
How to Assign a Fixed Reference Marker to Delta Markers
1. In the "Marker" dialog box, select the horizontal "Markers" tab.
2. For the active delta marker that is to refer to the fixed reference marker, select
"FXD" from the "Reference Marker" list.
The delta marker indicates the offset of the current trace value at the marker posi-
tion from the fixed reference value.
How to Export a Peak List
You can save the results of a marker peak list to an ASCII file.
1. Press the [MKR FUNCT] key.
2. Select the "Marker Peak List" softkey.
3. Configure the peak search and list settings as described in
4. Set the marker peak list "State" to "On".
5. Press the [RUN SINGLE] key to perform a single sweep measurement and create
a marker peak list.
6. Select the "Marker Peak List" softkey to display the "Marker Peak List" dialog box
7. If necessary, change the decimal separator to be used for the ASCII export file.
8. Select the "Export Peak List" button.
9. In the file selection dialog box, select the storage location and file name for the
export file.
10. Select "Save" to close the dialog box and export the peak list data to the file.
How to Output the Demodulated Signal Accoustically
For long sweep times you may wish to monitor a measurement accoustically rather
than visually to determine when a certain signal level is reached.
1. Set marker 1 to the signal level you want to monitor.
2. Press the [Mkr FUNCT] key.
3. Select the "Select Marker Function" softkey.
4. Select the "Marker Demodulation" button.
5. Select the "Marker Demod Config" softkey.
The marker function results are determined immediately according to the default
Marker Usage