Common Analysis and Display Functions
User Manual 1179.0116.02 ─ 02
Editing the shape of the color curve
The color curve is a tool to shift the focus of the color distribution on the color map. By
default, the color curve is linear, i.e. the colors on the color map are distributed evenly.
If you shift the curve to the left or right, the distribution becomes non-linear. The slope
of the color curve increases or decreases. One end of the color palette then covers a
large number of results, while the other end distributes several colors over a relatively
small result range.
The color curve shape can be set numerically or graphically.
To set the color curve shape graphically using the slider
► Select and drag the color curve shape slider (indicated by a gray box in the middle
of the color curve) to the left or right. The area beneath the slider is focused, i.e.
more colors are distributed there.
To set the color curve shape numerically
► In the "Shape" field, enter a value to change the shape of the curve:
● A negative value (-1 to <0) focuses the lower values
● 0 defines a linear distribution
● A positive value (>0 to 1) focuses the higher values
Trace Configuration