ISCOM2600G-HI (A) Series Configuration Guide
8 Multicast
Raisecom Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Raisecom Technology Co., Ltd.
8.5.6 Example for configuring IGMP MVR
Networking requirements
As shown in Figure 8-9, GE 1/1/1 on Switch A connects with the multicast router, and GE
1/1/2 and GE 1/1/3 connect with users in different VLANs to receive data from multicast
addresses and
Configure IGMP MVR on Switch A to specify VLAN 3 as a multicast VLAN, and then the
multicast data needs to be duplicated with one copy in the multicast VLAN instead of copying
for each customer VLAN, thus saving bandwidth.
Figure 8-9
MVR networking
Configuration steps
Step 1
Create VLANs on Switch A and add interfaces to them.
Raisecom(config)#create vlan 3,12,13
Raisecom(config)#interface gigaethernet 1/1/1
Raisecom(config-gigaethernet1/1/1)#switchport mode trunk
Raisecom(config-gigaethernet1/1/1)#switchport trunk native vlan 13
Raisecom(config-gigaethernet1/1/1)#switchport trunk untagged vlan 12
Raisecom(config)#interface gigaethernet 1/1/2
Raisecom(config-gigaethernet1/1/2)#switchport mode trunk
Raisecom(config-gigaethernet1/1/2)#switchport trunk native vlan 12
Raisecom(config-gigaethernet1/1/2)#switchport trunk untagged vlan 13
Raisecom(config)#interface gigaethernet 1/1/3