Before doing anything else to set up a glider or sailplane, first you must decide which MODEL TYPE best
fits your aircraft.
• GLID(1A+1F): The GLID (1A+1F) MODEL TYPE is intended for sailplanes with one or two aileron
servos (or none), and a single flap servo (or two connected with a y-connector). This TYPE is meant to be a
very simplistic version to set up a basic glider without a lot of added features. Additional flight condition is
• GLID (2A+1F): The GLID (2A+1F) MODEL TYPE is intended for sailplanes with dual aileron servos and
a single flap servo (or two connected with a y-connector). Add ional flight conditions are available. These
flight conditions contain different offset trims and aileron differentials to make the sailplane perform certain
maneuvers more easily.
• GLID (2A+2F): The GLID (2A+2F) MODEL TYPE supports dual flap servos that can also act as ailerons,
creating full-span ailerons and flap. Additional flight conditions are available. These flight conditions
contain different offset trims and aileron differentials to make the sailplane perform certain maneuvers more
Linear Programmable mixes (PROG.MIX1-4): Fully assignable programmable mixes with a linear
Curved Programmable mixes (PROG.MIX5-8): Fully assignable programmable mixes with a curved
ELEV-FLAP pre-programmed mix creates elevator movement from the inboard flaps as well as elevators.
BUTTERFLY: Often called crow, BUTTERFLY is the glider version of AIRBRAKE. (BUTTERFLY
does not have the option to activate it solely from a switch, and its activation switch. It always provides
progressively more BUTTERFLY as the CHANNEL 3 (THROTTLE) STICK is lowered, or raised if used
AILE-FLAP: This pre-programmed mix is used to create full span flap/aileron action
on a glider with 4 wing servos. This changes the camber over the entire wing, which produces less drag than
just dropping the flaps by themselves.
Note: When you have ELEV-FLAP mixing also, the trailing edge droops with the elevators, increasing
pitch response.
FLAPERON (GLID 1A+1F only): 2 aileron servos operate in opposite directions as ailerons and same
direction as flaps.
CAMBER FLAP: Provides camber movement or trimming of flaps. For sailplanes, this function is also
used as wing camber. The amount depends on the model but usually a small amount (less then 10%) is
preferred, since too much camber produces excess drag. Don't use more than about 1/16" travel up or down
for glider camber. Some airfoils, such as the RG15, should be flown with NO reflex/camber. Be sure to
consult your model's manual for guidelines.
Note: even though you may make CAMBER FLAP active while using AILE-DIFF, it will not have any
effect. The ONLY function that allows control of the ailerons as flaps in the AILE-DIFF configuration is
airbrake/ butterfly
ELEVON: for flying wings
V-TAIL: For models with 2 servos operating together to create roll and pitch control.
AILEVATOR: Not available in GLID model types.