User Manual 3162A/B
Using The Instrument 3-28
segment length, since it is not evenly divisible by 8. An
error will occur if 1002 points are assigned to a segment.
A sample rate clock divider must be assigned to each segment. The division
factor must be an integer number ranging from 1 to 65536. When the segment
is selected, the sample clock rate will automatically be divided by its
associated dividing ratio.
The clock divider must be set to 1 for frequencies above
300 MHz.
Example 1
The following example defines segment number 1 with a length of 1048 points
and no sample clock divider.
TRACe:DEFine 1,1048,1
In this example, the frequency of the output waveform is equal to the sample
clock rate divided by the number of points. If the sample clock frequency was
set to 104.8MHz, the output frequency will be 100kHz.
Example 2
The following example defines segment number 2 with a length of 1048 points
and sample clock divided by 10.
TRACe:DEFine 2,1048,10
In this example, the frequency of the output waveform is equal to the sample
clock rate divided by the number of points. If the sample clock frequency is set
to 104.8MHz, the output frequency would then be 10kHz.
You cannot query the TRAC:DEF command so you must keep good track if
you intend to partition the memory into many segments.
If a mistake is made and removal of one or more segments from the active
directory is needed, use the following command:
TRACe:DELete <n>
where <n> is the segment number to be removed from memory. Note that if a
segment is deleted, the memory portion that belonged to this segment is no
longer accessible. The next segment that is defined will be placed after the last
defined memory segment. However, if the last segment is deleted, the next
downloaded segment will be written on top of the deleted one. There is danger
that by using the TRAC:DEL command often, large portions of memory will
remain unused. It is, therefore, suggested that you periodically clear the entire
memory and only reload waveforms that will be used.
To partition the memory from the beginning, use the following command:
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