User Manual 3162A/B
SCPI Command Reference 4-21
*CLS common command, with a power-on and when read by *ESR?.
The arrangement of the various bits within the register is firm and is required by
all GPIB instruments that implement the IEEE-STD-488.2. Description of the
various bits is given in the following:
Bit 0
- Operation Complete. Generated in response to the *OPC command. It
indicates that the device has completed all selected and pending operations
and is ready for a new command.
Bit 1
- Request Control. This bit operation is disabled on the Model 3162B.
Bit 2
- Query Error. This bit indicates that an attempt is being made to read
data from the output queue when no output is either present or pending.
Bit 3
- Device Dependent Error. This bit is set when an error in a device
function occurs. For example, the following command will cause a DDE error:
VOLTage 4.25;:VOLTage:OFFSet 2
Both of the above parameters are legal and within the specified limits, however,
the generator is unable to generate such an amplitude and offset combination.
Bit 4
- Execution Error. This bit is generated if the parameter following the
command is outside of the legal input range of the generator.
Bit 5
- Command Error. This bit indicates the generator received a command
that was a syntax error or a command that the device does not implement.
Bit 6
- User Request. This event bit indicates that one of a set of local controls
had been activated. This event bit occurs regardless of the remote or local
state of the device.
Bit 7
- Power On. This bit indicates that the device's power source was cycled
since the last time the register was read.
Standard Event
Status Enable
Register (ESE)
The Standard Event Status Enable Register allows one or more events in the
Standard Event Status Register to be reflected in the ESB summary message
bit. The Standard Event Status Enable Register is an 8-bit register that enables
corresponding summary messages in the Standard Event Status Register.
Thus, the application programmer can select reasons for the generator to issue
an ESB summary message bit by altering the contents of the ESE Register.
The Standard Event Status Enable Register is read with the *ESE? Common
query. The response to this query is a number that represents the sum of the
binary-weighted value of the Standard Event Status Enable Register.
The Standard Event Status Enable Register is written using the *ESE
command followed by a decimal value representing the bit values of the
Register. A bit value one indicates an enabled condition. Consequently, a bit
value of zero indicates a disabled condition. The Standard Event Status Enable
Register is cleared by setting *ESE0. Summary of *ESE messages is given
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