Chapter 5: Troubleshooting
Resolve Voltage and Temperature Warnings
QX and QXS Setup Guide
2. Make sure that all modules are fully seated in their slots and that their latches are locked.
3. Make sure that no slots are left open for more than two minutes.
If you need to replace a module, leave the old module in place until you have the replacement or use a
blank module to fill the slot. Leaving a slot open negatively affects the airflow and can cause the chassis
to overheat.
4. Replace each power supply one at a time.
5. Replace the controller modules one at a time.
Sensor Locations
The storage system monitors conditions at different points within each chassis to alert you to problems.
Power, cooling fan, temperature, and voltage sensors are located at key points in the chassis. In each
controller module and expansion module, the EMP monitors the status of these sensors to perform SES
The following sections describe each element and its sensors.
Power Supply Sensors
Each chassis has two fully redundant power supplies with load-sharing capabilities. The power supply
sensors described in Table 35 below monitor the voltage, current, temperature, and fans in each power
supply. If the power supply sensors report a voltage that is under or over the threshold, check the input
Event/Fault ID LED condition
Power Supply 1
Voltage, current, temperature, or fan fault
Power Supply 2
Voltage, current, temperature, or fan fault
Table 35:
Power supply sensor descriptions
Cooling Fan Sensors
Each power supply includes two fans. The normal range for fan speed is 4,000 to 6,000 r/min. When a fan
speed drops below 4,000 r/min, the EMP considers it a failure and posts an alarm in the storage system’s
event log. Table 36 on the next page lists the description, location, and alarm condition for each fan. If the fan
speed remains under the 4,000 r/min threshold, the internal chassis temperature may continue to rise.
Replace the power supply reporting the fault.