8mm Couldn’t Take It
LNS selected DLTtape systems because of the technology’s reputation
for reliability in heavy-duty-cycle environments. Twenty-five out of the
30 DLTtape drives used by LNS are running at 75 percent duty cycle or
greater, every day. At that rate of usage, the research center’s 8mm dri-
ves lasted only two months. At last count, the center’s DLTtape systems
had been running for over 18 months with no problems!
Another advantage offered by DLTtape systems was time saved in tape
interchange. Before converting to DLTtape technology, the Cornell lab-
oratory had such problems with 8mm reliability that it would make up
to four copies of tapes containing especially critical information, with
the hope that at least one would be readable by other 8mm drives. The
DLTtape system solved the problem. Now, the center can rely on a sin-
gle copy on DLTtape media for use in data interchange.
Not Just For IS Anymore
The use of the DLTtape system to record critical research data at
Cornell is just one example of how the DLTtape system is finding
homes outside the traditional information system realm. The use of
DLTtape systems for scientific data acquisition is one example of a
“vertical” application.
Vertical applications are typically focused on a specific industry,
and are closely associated with the work done in that industry. By
contrast, “horizontal” applications are found across all industries
and often have little or nothing to do with the specifics of the
industry. For instance, an incremental daily backup and a full week-
ly backup are pretty much the same no matter where you work.
Increasingly, system developers and end-users are discovering that
the unique benefits of the DLTtape system make it ideal for
demanding vertical applications, including: