Super DLTtape:The Future
of DLTtape Technology
Current Trends
One reliable way to discern where IS and data storage management
might be headed is to project present trends. Every current trend
has a built-in momentum that will carry it forward. Some of the IS
trends we see today that will continue to have an impact on the
growth in popularity of DLTtape technology in the future include:
Growing network storage demands (some say total storage
capacity is doubling every 12 to 18 months).
Shrinking backup windows.
Expanding applications and databases.
Reliance on information as a strategic asset (only those who
manage and massage it best stand a chance to win).
Faster, bigger, “smarter” storage automation systems.
Centralization in backup and information storage
All the data backup trends evident in IS today point to a bright
future for DLTtape technology. For instance, as the backup window
continues to close, it will become even more critical that tape
drives be fast and reliable, and provide the highest data density
possible. DLTtape systems are already leading the way in these
important areas. As more organizations move to tape automation