DLTtape Media
A DLTtape cartridge is 4.16 inches wide, by 4.15 inches deep, by
1 inch high. It weighs between 7.7 and 7.85 ounces, depending on
specific model. A DLTtape cartridge holds between 1,200 and 1,828
feet of half-inch wide metal particle recording tape. A specially
designed 18-inch leader is at the front end of the tape. The tape car-
tridge enclosure includes a drive gear that engages with the DLTtape
drive, and a panel that opens to provide access to the tape.
Six types of half-inch DLTtape cartridges are currently in production:
CleaningTape III, DLTtape III, DLTtape IIIXT, DLTtape IV, DLT1
CleaningTape, and Super DLTtape I. Different cartridges are designed
to work with different models of DLTtape drives. However, one of the
things that has made DLTtape technology so successful is the fact that,
when we introduce a new DLTtape drive, we don’t make old DLTtape
media obsolete. Old tapes still run on the new drives. They won’t run
as fast as the newest model cartridges designed specifically for the
new drives, but they will run just as fast as they did on older DLTtape
drives. A tape originally recorded on a DLT 2000XT drive will run on
a DLT 8000 drive just as fast as it did on the DLT 2000XT drive. Even
more important, millions of DLTtape IV cartridges sold in the past
few years can be read by Super DLTtape drives.