A powerful computer system with a large hard disk drive
that serves the information access and communication needs of
multiple users. Often servers are dedicated to a particular function
such as Internet access, printing, file management, backup, and
network communications.
Servo Data.
Magnetic markings written on the media that guide
the read/write heads to the proper position.
Shelf Life.
The length of time that a tape can be stored without
losing its magnetic strength. For DLTtape media, this period is 30
years or more.
Shock Rating.
A rating (expressed in Gs, which stands for
multiples of gravity) of how much shock a tape drive can sustain
without damage. Operating and non-operating shock levels are
usually specified separately.
Soft Error.
A faulty data reading that does not recur if the same
data is reread from the disk or corrected by ECC. Usually caused
by power fluctuations or noise spikes.
A tape automation system that sequentially loads and
unloads tape cartridges. Does not provide random access to
cartridges or the data stored on them.
A type of motor that moves in discrete amounts with
each electrical pulse.
Storage Area Networks (SAN).
Storage Area Networks give users
anywhere on the network access to a large, centralized pool of
storage resources located on a dedicated high-speed network, and
usually backed up by DLTtape libraries.
Super DLTtape.
The next-generation DLTtape family of products.
Supply Reel.
The reel of tape contained within the DLTtape
cartridge. DLTtape IV, for example, contains 1,800 feet of tape.