cent usage. In fact, even at 100 percent duty-cycle, DLTtape drives
are rated at up to 250,000 hours Mean Time Between Failures
(MTBF). Even when compared to a competing drive offering the
same MTBF, DLTtape drives are the clear winners, because we have
calculated MTBF assuming 100 percent usage. In practice, few dri-
ves will actually be subjected to non-stop operation. But, it’s nice to
know you could run your DLTtape drive continuously if you need-
ed to without worry of premature failure or data loss.
The reliability and industry-leading performance that characterize
the DLTtape system are the reasons why nearly every major tape
library manufacturer offers DLTtape system-based products. The
DLTtape system is perfect for heavy-duty-cycle applications like
hierarchical storage management (HSM), in which the system is
constantly moving data between main memory, disk, and tape,
depending on its current level of usage.
According to the president of one of the world’s largest library
makers, “In HSM applications, we have a highly intensive car-
tridge-swapping environment. DLTtape drives and cartridges are
made for this heavy-duty application. This performance combina-
tion makes DLTtape technology solutions ideal within an automat-
ed HSM system.”
Next, we’ll discuss in detail what DLTtape system specifications really
mean to you.