Figure 17-2 LGMR Technology Increases Tape Capacity
increasing the number of recording tracks on the data-bearing side of the
tape and servoing optically on the back side.
Four key technologies contribute to the revolutionary capacity and
performance LGMR brings to Super DLTtape technology. Those
Quantum-patented technologies are:
• Pivoting Optical Servo (POS)
• Magneto-Resistive Cluster Heads (MRC)
• A new, High-Efficiency PRML Channel
• Advanced Metal Powder Media (AMP).
Pivoting Optical Servo (POS)
The Pivoting Optical Servo is at the core of LGMR technology. It
offers a combination of the best of optical and magnetic technologies.
POS is an optically assisted servo system, which combines high-densi-
ty magnetic read/write data recording with laser servo guiding.
Designed for high duty cycle applications, the POS has a much lower