Acronym for Mean Time Between Failures. Reliability
rating indicating the expected failure rate of a product in power on
hours (POH). Since manufacturers differ in the ways they
determine the MTBF, comparisons of products should always take
into account the MTBF calculation method.
Acronym for mean time to repair. The average time it takes
to repair a drive that has failed for some reason. This only takes
into consideration the changing of the major subassemblies such
as the circuit board or sealed housing. Component-level repair is
not included in this number as this type of repair cannot be
performed in the field.
The material or device used to store information in a
storage subsystem, such as a tape or disk drive. DLTtape media is a
high-grade metal particle (MP) formulation that takes advantage
of the latest advances in binder chemistry. By combining both solid
and liquid lubricants in the tape binder system, tape and head wear
are reduced while repelling airborne particles that could affect
read/write head performance. In addition, by using a uniform
particle shape, a dense binding system, a smooth coating surface,
and a specially selected base film, DLTtape half-inch cartridge
tapes take advantage of shorter wavelength recording schemes to
ensure read compatibility with future generations of DLTtape
Megabyte (MB).
A unit of measurement equal to 1 million bytes.
Megahertz (MHz).
A measurement of frequency in millions of
cycles per second.
Metal Particle (MP) tape.
A magnetic recording media in which a
flexible base is coated with a mixture of magnetic particles and a
bonding agent. See also Media.
The integrated circuit chip that performs the
bulk of data processing and controls the operation of all of the
parts of the system.