At the high end of the library market, modular systems that can be
expanded with additional drives and tape slots will continue to offer
cost-effective and scalable solutions. The fundamental features of the
DLTtape system will continue to attract library makers. These manu-
facturers know that the very nature of library operation requires a drive
that can withstand constant operation and countless loads and unloads
without failing. That’s the kind of proven performance library makers
and their customers demand, and only the DLTtape system can deliver.
DLTtape System Products For Every Market
The introduction of the Super DLTtape drives has created a clear
stratification of the DLTtape system product line-up. DLTtape sys-
tems now form distinct product lines, differentiated by capacity,
performance and price, with Super DLTtape products at the higher
end of the DLTtape family, and the DLT 4000, DLT 8000, and DLT1
drives evolving into entry-level systems, offering very high value at
lower price points.
With DLTtape technology leading the mid-range market in capacity,
performance and reliability, other tape technologies such as 8mm have
been pushed down on top of low end drives on their way up. DDS4
DAT drives and advanced QIC drives are competing directly with 8mm
in certain markets. The value line DLTtape systems, the DLT 4000,
DLT1, and DLT 8000, are well-positioned to provide library vendors,
workstation makers, and network integrators with high performance,
budget-minded solutions that provides scalability and compatibility
with higher performance DLTtape system products.
Our competitors know they have an uphill battle to match or beat
DLTtape technology for high performance backup. Through several
generations of DLTtape systems, we have been able to achieve mar-
ket-leading performance while maintaining compatibility with previ-
ous products.