the BRU commands; and HP uses fbackup and frestore. The
Windows NT operating system comes with a native backup utility.
Platform and Software Qualification Programs
Every platform partner or ISV that wishes to either sell DLTtape
drives or claim compatibility with DLTtape drives, must first go
through a qualification process to ensure that the DLTtape drive
will work with the target platform and any applications that may
be associated with it. Software vendors use the qualification
process to verify that their DLTtape drivers work as expected and
to specification.
Quantum and its platform partners work together to create a qual-
ification plan designed to meet a market introduction target date.
Quantum hardware and software specialists provide the partner
with technical support at every stage of the qualification process.
In the end, the customer must decide when the qualification
process is complete. In the case of hardware vendors, once the cus-
tomer is satisfied with the DLTtape drive qualification tests, we
begin shipping them DLTtape systems in volume.
For OEMs and system integrators, most of the changes made to
DLTtape drives during the qualification process are made in the
system’s firmware (see Chapter 15). This is where SCSI interface
issues are resolved, including communication protocols, data
blocking and deblocking, and special commands that may be
unique to the customer’s implementation of SCSI.
Reliability Qualification Testing (RQT)
RQT is an endurance test of the DLTtape systems, and is often run
in parallel at Quantum or solely by Quantum for the customer.
One of the reasons that Quantum frequently conducts some of the
qualification testing for the customer is to reduce the customer’s