3.23 Install transistor Q4
This is an IRFu9024 transistor in an SMD-leaded package which is installed here like an ordinary
through-hole transistor.
Make sure the transistor is aligned correctly: the metal face of the transistor must match the thick
white line on the PCB silkscreen print.
3.24 Install transistors Q5 and 6
These are BS170 MOSFETs in TO92 packages. Be very careful to check that the transistors you
pick really are the BS170, since IC1 (78L05) looks exactly the same except for the different writing
on the label.
The middle pin needs to be pushed forward slightly to match the holes in the triangular pattern on
the PCB. Make sure the flat of the transistor body is aligned perfectly with the flat on the PCB
silkscreen. It’s not necessary to push the transistor all the way in, a lead length of 5mm or so is
50W QCX PA kit assembly