[Sensor calibration]
Sensor calibration
Only calibrate the sensor with a cleaned UV
system and new UV lamps.
The UV sensor is factory-calibrated and does not usually require
any further calibration. A sensor calibration has to be undertaken if
the displayed sensor signal deviates significantly from the refer‐
ence radiation intensity stated in the data sheet. The minimum
radiation intensity cannot therefore be achieved. You must set the
minimum radiation intensity correctly to monitor the UV radiation
You can calibrate the unit sensor in this menu should the unit
sensor deviate from a reference measurement with a calibrated UV
The UV signal must not change again before the calibration. A
changing UV sensor signal indicates that the UV lamp has not yet
warmed up sufficiently. Allow the activated UV system to warm up
for a short while.
The calibration process can be terminated at any
time by pressing [F1], [F2] and [F5]. The UV
system then continues working with the values of
the last valid calibration and issues an error mes‐
sage under certain circumstances.
Sensor calibration
UV intensity
0 W/m
Calibration factor
[Default = 1,000]
Fig. 96: Calibration of the UV sensor
9.6 Replacing the Filter Mats
General safety measures
Dirty filter mats on the fan and air outlet filter can
lead to the control cabinet overheating and
becoming damaged
Replace the filter mats on the fan and the air outlet filter at least
once per year. The filter mats should be replaced at shorter inter‐
vals in unfavourable ambient conditions.
switch off the UV system
Switch off the main switch
Replacement of the filter mats on the
fan and the air outlet filter