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© 2005, Primera Technology, Inc. Primera is a registered trademark and Bravo is a trademark of Primera Technology, Inc. All other trademarks
are the property of their respective companies.
Job0 = MyJob1
Job1 = YourJob2
Job2 = MyJob2
Job0 = AnotherJob3
JobID = Kevin’s photos
ClientID = Kevin
CurrentStatus = Waiting
JobsAhead = 1
DiscsAhead = 3
DiscsRemaining = 10
GoodDiscs = 0
BadDiscs = 0
TimeCreated = 15:32:15 4/15/2003
TimeStarted =
TimeCompleted =
JobState = 0
JobErrorNumber =0
JobErrorString= No Errors
JobID = YourJob1
ClientID = John
CurrentStatus = Burning Disc 7 -- Printing Disc 8
JobsAhead = 0
DiscsAhead = 0
DiscsRemaining = 3
GoodDiscs = 6
BadDiscs = 1
TimeCreated = 15:28:15 4/15/2003
TimeStarted = 15:28:22 4/15/2003
TimeCompleted =
JobState = 1
JobErrorNumber =0
JobErrorString= No Errors
DiscErrorIndex0 = 5
DiscErrorNumber0 = 12
DiscErrorString0 = The media (CD/DVD) is not blank
JobID = Kevin’s music