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3 Status
PTBurn will provide status for each submitted job in several different ways.
First of all, the filename extension for the submitted Job Request File will have four different
values: the “new job request” extension, the “job discovered” extension, the
“in process” extension, and the “job completed” extension. All four of these extensions can be
specified in PTSETUP.INI. Using the default values here is an example description of the four
filename extensions:
The client has submitted the job request
PTBurn has discovered and put the job in its list of jobs.
PTBurn is currently processing this job.
The job has been completed.
An additional filename extension is possible when a job has an error or has been aborted.
The job has finished with errors or has been aborted.
Secondly, there will be a Master Status Text File
and it will reside in a
subfolder called
within the Job Request Folder location (defined in PTSETUP.INI). The
structure of this status file will be similar to an .INI file with three fixed Sections of [JobList],
[CompletedJobs], and [System]. Also, each job will have its own Section (section name is the
name of the Job Request File without an extension) with detailed information of the job.
Note: When processing PTSTATUS.TXT from a client application, the client application should
access PTSTATUS.TXT with exclusive access.
3.1 JobList Section
The first fixed section in PTSTATUS.TXT is [JobList]
Within this section are keys that can provide a client the list of the current jobs being processed
by PTBurn. The Key value of the current job is always Job0, the next job is Job1, etc.
So, an example might be:
The client can display the list of jobs by sequentially trying to get the string values for Keys:
Job0, Job1, Job2,… The end of the list of jobs can be determined by the client when the string
value for the next key is not found.
3.2 CompletedJobs Section
The second fixed section in PTSTATUS.TXT is [CompletedJobs]
Within this section are keys that can provide a client the list of the recently completed jobs
(including successful jobs, jobs with errors, and jobs that have been aborted). The Key value of
the current job is always Job0, the next job is Job1, etc.
So, an example might be: