P r i m a L u c e L a b i S r l
E AG L E 2 U s e r M a n u a l
Q: I have a problem with Windows operative system, can I restore the factory settings?
A: Before shipment, we record a “Windows recovery point” in the EAGLE units so you can immediately return back to the
factory settings in an very easy way.
Restoring won’t affect your personal files but most likely will automatically solve
your problem with Windows. In order to make a system restore please:
1) go to "Control panel”
2) select “Recovery"
3) select "Open System Restore” then press
4) choose the restore point (you will find the “EAGLE new” restore point”)
5) press “Next”
and then “Finish”
D: During remote connection, power out and USB ports are no more active in the EAGLE Manager software, how can I fix this?
A: Enter in ADVANCED SETTINGS and click on RECONNECT button, ports will be reactivated.
D: I can’t connect to EAGLE WiFi network, how can I fix this?
A: if during the use of the EAGLE you can no more access to its WiFi network, both in AP and HOST mode, press the RESET
button on the left of the POWER button on the EAGLE case. This will reset WiFi network in AP mode. Then, in the device
you use to control EAGLE from, you have to select the WiFi created by the EAGLE (EAGLE2XXXXX) and restart Remote
Desktop software.
D: Sometimes WiFi connection to the EAGLE drops out and then connection restarts, is this normal?
A: Yes, sometimes it’s normal to experience a short WiFi disconnection, then the EAGLE will automatically reconnects to
the WiFi and you will normally be able to continue remote control.
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