P r i m a L u c e L a b i S r l
E AG L E 3 U s e r M a n u a l
Connecting to telescopes not equipped with PLUS rings
If your telescope is not equipped with PLUS support rings, just add the "PLUS Vixen + Losmandy dovetail clamp" that is
screwed directly to the EAGLE to allow to connect it to any Vixen or Losmandy dovetail bar also from different brand .
Take the "PLUS Vixen + Losmandy dovetail clamp" and, using 3 M6x12 screws (f), install it in the bottom plate of EAGLE,
as shown in image 20.
This way you can connect the EAGLE to any telescope , equipped with Vixen or Losmandy dovetail bar, as shown in image
p a g e
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Image 20: installation of “Vixen+Losmandy PLUS dovetail clamp” on EAGLE
Image 21: EAGLE with the “PLUS Vixen + Losmandy dovetail clamp” can be installed on any Vixen or Losmandy style dovetail