P r i m a L u c e L a b i S r l
E AG L E 3 U s e r M a n u a l
connect or disconnect every power out port of EAGLE
his way you can keep the devices connected (for example, mount, CCD camera, filter wheel, etc.) and activate them re-
motely when you turn on the entire system. Each port shows the current consumption that can also be monitored over
Click with the mouse left button (or a single tap on the screen of tablet or smartphone used for remote control) on one of
the 12V power out ports to activate it, the port will become green and it will power the connected device. Click with the
mouse right button (or a 2 finger tap on the screen of tablet or smartphone used for remote control) on one of the 12V
power out ports to see advanced options of the selected power out port (image 26).
Here you can insert the name of the post in the field “Enter
new label”, visualize power consumption of the connected de-
vice and, by clicking on the “History graph” tab, visualize the
power consumption (Watt) in time. Click OK button to confirm
and exit from the window.
p a g e
2 6
Image 26: advanced options window of one of the 12V po-
wer out ports
click to activate
the port (it will
Image 25: click on one of the 4 power OUT ports to activate it