P r i m a L u c e L a b i S r l
E AG L E 3 U s e r M a n u a l
Now wait about one minute and turn on your WiFi device you choose to control
EAGLE. In about 30 seconds EAGLE creates the WiFi network to access to. The net-
work name is EAGLExxxxx (where the xxxxx is the serial number of your EAGLE as
written also is also on the front side of EAGLE.
Look at the list of WiFi networks displayed by your device (identification mode of
wireless networks depends on the control device you use, so if you do not know
how to search for WiFi networks, please read the manual of your device) and select
the network created by EAGLE. The network name matches the serial number of
your EAGLE (picture 4).
A window will appear where you will be asked to enter the password of your net-
work (image 5). The password is
. The same information is also on the
front of EAGLE. Using the keyboard (virtual or physical) of your device, enter the
password paying attention to appropriate upper or lower case. Then press the
EAGLE has a own password to log on to Windows that you only know. (Each EAGLE
has a different password to log Windows; the password is shown on the EAGLE
box). This way it is possible and completely safe for you to use your EAGLE even
when many others are working (for example during a StarParty).
p a g e
Image 4: select the WiFi net created by
Image 5: insert network password