P r i m a L u c e L a b i S r l
E AG L E 3 U s e r M a n u a l
First use: power
EAGLE allows you to distribute power to many devices used in telescopes astrophotography (such as mount, camera, fil-
ter wheel, electronic focuser, dew heaters, etc.), thus eliminating the need for many different power supplies and using
only one. It is therefore necessary to select the correct power source for EAGLE so that it can properly power all the devi-
ces you want to use.
Which battery or power supply have I to use for my equipment?
The power supply or battery you need to use to power the EAGLE and all peripherals connected to it depend on the sum
of the electric current needed to power the instruments and the EAGLE. Considering the EAGLE3, it needs for an average
of 0,6 Ampere. For example:
- EAGLE: 1,2A maximum consumption (average consumption: 0,6A)
- Cooled CCD camera: 4A maximum consumption (average consumption: 3A)
- Skywatcher AZ-EQ6 SynScan mount: 2A maximum consumption (average consumption: 1A)
- Guide camera: QHY5L-II mono: 0 consumption (power from the USB port of EAGLE)
Total maximum power consumption: 7,2A.
So, for this setup, you should use the 12A AC adapter. If you want to use a battery (WARNING: The battery must have a
12V voltage regulator with protection system) that can power the entire system for 8 hours (for example for the duration
of an astronomical night), you will need this battery capacity:
7,2A (consumption per hour) x 8 (hours duration) = 57,6 Ah
p a g e
EAGLE must be powered with 12V stabilized voltage. You can power it via a 12V external power supply or with
an external battery. If you use an external battery, this MUST be provided with a proper voltage stabilizer. In
case of any malfunction, immediately unplug the power supply.
since it may damage the other instruments powered by EAGLE (
like the CCD camera). Immediately disconnect power supplies or battery if there’s any malfunction of the unit.
Since EAGLE distributes power to many devices, when many devices are powered through the EAGLE
(and Ampere consumption exceeds 5A /hr) we recommend using a power supply or battery with 12,8V
tension instead of 12V.