P r i m a L u c e L a b S . p . A .
E A G L E L E U s e r M a n u a l
First use: remotely control devices with EAGLE Manager
When you remotely (with WiFi or Ethernet wired connection) connect to the EAGLE, you will see the EAGLE Ma-
nager control interface. Thanks to EAGLE Manager, you can:
- Enable/Disable every 12V power out port.
- Set the power out voltage of the 3 x 0-12V power out ports
- Activate DARK mode: this turns off all the LED lights
- Connect or disconnect devices connected to the four USB 2.0 ports
- Check power consumption and battery lifetime
- Set WiFi connectivity
- Set your automatic power routines
p a g e 3 6
Image 37: EAGLE Manager interface