P r i m a L u c e L a b S . p . A .
E A G L E L E U s e r M a n u a l
First use: Setting remote control with iPhone or iPad
This guide has been written by using an iPhone with iOS 13.6 and
Microsoft Remote Desktop client 10.1.2 (and it has been tested
also with iPad using iPadOS 13.6 and Microsoft Remote Desktop
client 10.0.6). From the App Store of your iPhone/iPad, please
search and install the "
Microsoft Remote Desktop
" app. If you do
not know how to install the app from the App Store, please read
the manual of your iPhone/iPad.
Start the "
Microsoft Remote Desktop
" app. You will see a screen like the one
visible in the image 7. Click the + button (top-right), then select “Add PC".
In the window that opens, in "PC name" enter
Then select the “User Account" field and
choose "Add user account". A window will
open (picture 8) where you can enter your
username and password to log on to Win-
The values are:
- Username:
- Password: (that shown on the quick guide
in the EAGLE box)
Then press the button "Save" to save the
access data.
: when entering your data
check that your device does not automati-
cally insert a space after the word "user-
name" and "password".
Then (image 9), select the option “Admin Mode” and press the "Save" button
to confirm and save the access data.
p a g e 1 0
Image 9: Press “Save” to confirm
access data.
Image 8: Insert User name and
Windows access password.