P r i m a L u c e L a b S . p . A .
E A G L E L E U s e r M a n u a l
p a g e 1 2
After being connected to the EAGLE's WiFi, I start a Remote Desktop connection but I
get an error “Unable to connect”. How can I fix this?
This error may happen if your iPhone or iPad doesn't have an internet connection, for example when (or if) it
doesn't have a 4G connection. In this case, please proceed this way:
1) In the iPhone/iPad please go to Settings > Wifi, and select your EAGLEXXXXXX network. Once selected, tap
on the “i” icon to the right.
2) Next tap on “Configure DNS” and change the selection from “Automatic” to “Manual”, and tap on “Add
server”. Here you type the IP address of your EAGLE ( as the DNS server. Press the “Wi-Fi”
blue text on the top to confirm.