The currently installed firmware version number is displayed on the startup splash screen.
The detailed version and build numbers are visible in the Firmware section of the Main Menu.
To update the firmware > copy the firmware file to the Firmware folder on the SD drive. Go to
Config > Firmware. Choose the desired version of the .ppf (Polyend Play Firmware) file. And
confirm using the screen key.
Firmware files should be stored on the SD card in the “Firmware” folder.
Firmware Update is available from the “Settings/Firmware” submenu.
To flash the firmware select it from the list and confirm the operation by pressing “Yes”.
Use the attached microSD card USB dongle reader to copy the firmware file (or any other
files) to the Play MicroSD card.
Find the latest official firmware release here.
In case of trouble
Start by disconnecting the USB C cable connector from its port located on the back panel.
This will cause a complete shutdown. This usually helps.
The SD file structure might get damaged if your device loses power during a firmware
update. If that happens, or the firmware doesn’t boot up for any other reason, you can
perform one of the two emergency flashing procedures as follows:
First method:
Press the hidden reset button on the back panel of the instrument. It will auto flash with
a randomly picked firmware .ppf file from the SD card Firmware/ folder.
Second method:
Download the Polyend Tool.
Download a known working firmware file either from the Polyend website or one of the
previous beta .ppf files.
Remove the SD card from the Play’s port.