UPS PIco HV3.0A Firmware Code 040 Print Date 18.08.2017
Designed and Manufactured by PiModules and ModMyPi
Basic Scheduler
This scheduler is basically used when UPS PIco HV3.0 hardware RTC is not used (therefore not
possible to set exact date, time; and synchronize with it) or when user need something ultra-
simple, just to make ON/OFF the Raspberry Pi (so no needed to use the complex settings of
the ETR SAS). There are only few registered involved in this scheduler and setting up of them
is rapid. User need just to set how long Rasp
berry Pi® should be running,
after what time it
will be repeated (if so) and how many times it must happen. The time resolution of the
based on
1 minute
, however everything is adjusted with 1 second accuracy, as each action
start/stop is executed at the beginning (first second) of internal RTC counted minute (even if
the internal RTC is not set, it is always running). Below picture explain the logic behind of this
Basic Scheduler.
Figure 50 Basic Scheduler
BS Definitions
There are some definitions that need to be specified to have better understanding of the
functionality. There are basically similar to the ETR SAS definitions (described in the next
chapter), however are simplified due to adaptation to this simple Basic Scheduler. There are:
BS Action
It is ON/OFF the Raspberry Pi
BS Duration Time
Specify time between
BS Action
(ON of the Raspberry Pi
) and their
opposite state (OFF of the Raspberry Pi
). In example if Raspberry
, the opposite
state is Raspberry Pi®
. Therefore, BS
Duration Time
is time between ON and OFF
the Raspberry Pi®.
BS Repetition Time
BS Repetition Time
defines the
between beginnings of first
and the repeated BS Action.
BS Multiplier
Defines how many times
BS Action
will be repeated, up to 254 times or