2.3 Measuring functions
• Distance:
The distance traveled is displayed in centimeters, meters, or kilometers by default. For US measurements in inches, feet, or miles; see “Units” in
section 4.2.1.
When used with PIKO Analyst computer software, it’s possible to calculate the total daily distance traveled (or other measurements) by a specific
locomotive, and then assign the data to an archive.
• Speed:
By default, the current speed is displayed in cm/s, m/s or km/h (1:87).
For US measurements like in/s (inches per second), ft/s (feet per second), or mph (1:87 / miles per hour) please see “Units” in section 4.2.1.
When used with PIKO Analyst software, it’s possible to check the daily average speed of a locomotive, or the day’s top speed of any train.
• Grade/Slope:
The new Grade/Slope function allows you measure a grade down to 0.1 %.
This makes it possible to build a layout with a ruling grade, to build a helix, or measure grades on an existing layout.
• Gear/Superelevation:
Another new feature is the Superelevation measuring function, which measures the tilt of curved track. The car can measure superelevated track
down to + or - 0.1%; making it possible to build superelevated curves to prototype standards.
• Voltage:
Whether your layout is digital or analog, track voltage on any section of track is displayed in Volts. This makes it easy to pinpoint dead spots that
need repair.
*PIKO #55050 can only be used on 2-rail DC layouts: PIKO #55060 can only be used on 3-rail AC layouts
• Individual DCC address
You can assign a separate DCC address to the car when running in digital mode. This address can be used to switch the display on or off using
your DCC system’s function keys. It can also be used to reset the distance counter. Other functions will follow as the firmware is updated. (Refer
to notes issued with firmware updates.)
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