Perkins SMART Brailler™ User Manual | Rev: 041814
3. The third (from the top) Quick Button toggles between the two
braille translation modes: Uncontracted and Contracted. This button
has two raised lines on it.
4. The fourth (bottom) Quick Button switches speech modes. The
brailler can speak letters, words, letters and words, lines, or
everything. Additionally, this Quick Button allows you to turn speech
off. This button has three raised lines on it.
Menu Button
The Menu Button is a small, round, green button with a
raised dot in the middle. It is located at the top right of the screen. Use
this button to enter and exit the Main Menu where you can save files,
switch users, change settings, or access other features. The menu
choices in the first level of the Main Menu are listed here. (See
Appendix B: Main Menu and Submenus
list of the menu options.)
Exit Menu
The Menu Button may also be used to exit to Braille Entry mode from
most levels of the Main Menu and Welcome! Menu.
While in Braille Entry mode, if you press and hold the Menu Button for
at least 6 seconds and then release it, the brailler will announce the
following information:
| tel: +1-617-972-7308 | 175 North Beacon Street Watertown, MA USA 02472