Perkins SMART Brailler™ User Manual | Rev: 041814
Battery status (percent charged or charging)
Current user name
Braille Mode setting (Contracted Braille or Uncontracted Braille)
Speech Mode setting (Speech Off, Speak Letters, Speak Words,
Speak Letters and Words, Speak Lines, or Speak Everything)
When setting up a new user, you can press the Menu Button to repeat
the instructions for that process.
Navigation and Select Buttons
The Navigation and Select Buttons
are located directly to the right of the video screen. The left, right, up,
and down black Navigation Buttons form a circle around the diamond-
shaped, green Select Button. The Select Button has a raised
checkmark on it.
Navigation Button functions:
Use the up and down buttons to scroll up and down through the
Use the left button to return to the previous level of a menu or to
exit the Main Menu level and return to Braille Entry.
Voice Feedback and Screen Display
Use the up and down Navigation Buttons to review brailled lines
using the screen and speech. As you review lines in this manner,
the cursor remains on the line you last brailled; if you start
brailling again, the braille will be entered on the line the cursor is
on. Therefore, you may wish to scroll back to the line with the
cursor before you resume brailling. However, the screen will go
| tel: +1-617-972-7308 | 175 North Beacon Street Watertown, MA USA 02472