Perkins SMART Brailler™ User Manual | Rev: 041814
from Perkins Products, send a letter along with the machine describing
the problem. Be sure to include your contact information and the serial
number of your machine. The serial number is on a label on the bottom
of the brailler.
IMPORTANT: If you do not have the original packing material
for the brailler, contact Perkins Products before shipping
your brailler.
When packing up your brailler, please do the following to protect it
during shipping:
Remove the battery.
Make sure the Paper Release Levers are pushed away from
you as far as they will go.
Use the original packing material and pack the brailler as you
received it.
Be sure to move the Carriage all the way to the right and
secure it with the Carriage foam insert that held it in place
when it was shipped to you. (The debossed word REMOVE
on the insert should be facing up and read from left to right
from the front of the brailler.)
Place the brailler in the anti-static bag.
Place the bagged brailler in between the two foam inserts in
the box.
Include the battery and the power adapter with the brailler.
If you are mailing your brailler from within the U.S., write “Free Matter
| tel: +1-617-972-7308 | 175 North Beacon Street Watertown, MA USA 02472