Perkins SMART Brailler™ User Manual | Rev: 041814
Additional SMART Brailler™ Information and Tips
The SMART Brailler™ cannot be used as an embosser for
retrieved files or for another device.
The brailler is not intended to be a substitute for a notetaker.
The brailler will not take the place of a computer.
The brailler does not support the Nemeth Braille Code for
Mathematics and Science Notation.
If you feel that the brailler is repeating letters or words, you may
want to try changing the Speech Mode to "Speak Words" or
"Speak Lines."
To stop the read back of a file after you change users, select
Open File, or select Read File, press any button or key that gives
text to speech feedback: any Quick Button, the Menu Button, the
Select Button, or any of the six braille keys. The function of the
button or key will also be performed, so it may be simplest to
press the Screen Off/On Quick Button twice.
If you hyphenate a word at the end of a line, the text to speech
will say the two parts of the word as separate words, even when
you save the file and have the brailler read it back.
In Contracted Braille Mode, the voice output only says the dot
numbers for most punctuation.
In Uncontracted Braille Mode, the brailler does not translate
square brackets, the two-cell slash, the asterisk, the dash, or the
double dash.
In both Contracted and Uncontracted Braille Modes, if you use the
up and down Navigation Buttons to select lines to review,
punctuation is not spoken. It is also not spoken when a saved file
is read back to you.
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