Perkins SMART Brailler™ User Manual | Rev: 041814
Exit Menu
Voice—Displays and announces current setting, default in
US English is Heather
Change to Ryan
Change to Laura
Exit Menu
Colors—Displays and announces current setting, default is
Black on White
Change to White on Black
Change to Yellow on Black
Change to Black on Yellow
Change to Pink on Black
Change to Black on Pink
Exit Menu
Brightness—Displays an image of the Navigation Buttons,
and displays and announces: “Use up and down
buttons to adjust”; a bar indicating the setting is
displayed and the screen brightness changes as it is
Exit Menu
Power—Select to change the time the screen stays on when
the brailler is not in use
Power Adapter—Select to change screen timer when
the brailler is plugged in
Screen Timer—Default is 30 minutes
Change to 5 minutes
Change to 1 hour
Change to Never
Exit menu
Exit Menu
Battery—Select to change the screen timer when the
brailler is on battery power
Screen Timer—Default is 5 minutes
Change to 1 minute
| tel: +1-617-972-7308 | 175 North Beacon Street Watertown, MA USA 02472